Last year - all this came down upon of all of a sudden. We were all immediately locked down – we didn’t know what had hit us. When the lockdown was lifted after 1.5 months, we went back to work. We opened up bit by bit.
We limped, hopped and finally skipped back to life.
And we were told we need to wear masks. All the time - the simplest and most effective way to protect ourselves.
So we started making masks. We experimented with the shapes and sizes, different qualities of elastic to use, whether to make is adjustable or a fixed size, the fit, the finish, the fabric.
Our linen fabrics seemed to be the perfect choice for masks as the fabric is heavy enough to provide protection as well as being very breathable.
We used two layers of pure cotton on the inside making masks triple layered, as well as comfortable against your face. We made provisions for a slot to insert a N-95 filter to give you more protection. We left a little bit more space in front of the nose and mouth so that the mask doesn’t get sucked back in when you are speaking.
The chord and lace edging give the mask a good fit across the bridge of your nose, so that it doesn’t slip off and also serves the purpose of a nose clip.
They come in sets of 3, can be washed over and over again and reused and comes in an eco-friendly cotton dust cover.
We embroidered the masks with our pretty designs, made some fun, quirky ones too, in the hope to encourage our friends and customers to stay masked.

At KAVERI, we are focused on the welfare of the country and the health and safety of our employees, friends & family and the community at large.
The Mask India Project manufactures and distributes masks free of cost. The mask is printed with the map of India that has a heart in the centre. The heart has been used to honour the memory of all those we have lost to Covid, while also reminding people that they have to stay safe and take all precautions to keep the country safe.
Through this initiative, the employees who are working from home are kept motivated and busy, as they are paid for every mask they stitch. Special sick leave has also been introduced for employees and the brand also helps cover medical expenses. We have created ways for our team to work from home. We have given our tailors sewing machines. We organised vaccination drives for the whole team and their families.

As part of our LOVE ART initiative, we have collaborated with one of Kerala’s more controversial artist
– Blodsow V.S.
His installation is currently showing at the “Lokame Tharavadu” art exhibition in Allapuzha and Ernrakulam, organised by the Kochi Biennale Foundation.
‘Left to Right: Fragmented 19: Fragmented Spectrum (Masks); Remaining 19 in the article’.
The installation is made up of 19 pillars that are 7.3ft tall, topped with a bust of the artist himself. These sculptures are inspired by the Ashoka Stupas and coincidentally only 19 remain in the country. The faces are masked. They stand silenced, in a row. Each of the 19 masks is embroidered with one alphabet, spelling out the CONSTITUTION OF INDIA - 19 letters - a link to Article 19 of the Constitution, which define s the RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH.

Masks are an important part of our lives now and not to take away from the seriousness of maskwearing, we thought that your mask could be a perfect way to make a point, state your opinion, showcase your interests and passions, flaunt what you love.
We make personalised masks, monogrammed masks, we have options of hobbies, your likes, your professions… to make it your own.
You can also send us a pic of your beloved pet and we convert it into embroidery for you!

“To all those wearing designer masks – your mask is meant to protect you from the virus, not attract it!
”We’ve been getting this joke a lot! We love it! Anyhoo… we have been giving “designer” masks free with every outfit… and they are “matching – matching” too! We can be safe and pretty too!